Lauren Boyle
Pattern DesignerI’m Lauren and I am a creative that sets impossibly high standards for myself. I run a business designing and making sewing patterns for the home sewer. I’m passionate about sustainability and try to live by the ethos of quality over quantity. I love sewing with natural, woven fibres- I’m a sucker for big, breezy dresses and button up shirts in black linen.
What influence does music have in your life as a creative?:
Music is a super important part of my day to day life. I always have to have something on in the background, especially when I’m creating. Depending on what I play, it can help motivate me and put me in a better mindset. I’ve started naming my sewing patterns after certain musicians who have inspired me, or who I listened to a lot during the creation phase. So far I have the Maynard Dress, Cornell Shirt and Page Dress. Next up is the Sanders Button Up Shirt and I have so many more planned.
Tell us about your playlist:
I like to get fired up when I work. Some of these songs get a bit dark and angry, and I find yelling along to the lyrics gives me a boost of extra energy when my fifth cup of coffee isn’t working. I’ve tried to pick a song from each of my favourite bands to give an idea of what I’m into, but man it’s hard to narrow it down. Anything in the realm of grunge, metal and rock is where it’s at.
- Oblivion – Mastodon
- Burden – Opeth
- Pet – A Perfect Circle
- My God Is The Sun – Queens of the Stone Age
- Counting – Korn
- Mailman – Soundgarden
- Toma – Puscifer
- Hooker With A Penis – TOOL
- Stranded – Gojira
- Sludge Factory – Alice In Chains
- Sonne – Rammstein
- Meccamputechture – The Mars Volta
- Electric Funeral – Black Sabbath
- Gasoline – Audioslave