she/theymaker / sewer / (sometimes) illustrator
I’m K, a Filipinx-Korean immigrant living on CHamoru land (Guam). As a maker I dabble in textile crafting, film photography, and illustration—albeit with fluctuating degrees of interest, enthusiasm, and confidence from time to time. Lately, sewing garments has taken the forefront of my crafting. I’ve always loved clothes, so being able to now build and curate my own mindful closet is such a joy. Pants are my favorite thing to sew—the more voluminous the better!
What influence does music have in your life as a creative?:
You know, I think it was actually picking up a crafting practice that led me back home to music. When I was first discovering music, I was able to really invest a lot of time and energy just listening, hunting for new things and trying to pin down the tunes I liked. Over time, I’ve come to lose that ability to be patient, sit still, listen, and enjoy—unless it’s while doing other things that do help me clear my mind, like going on a walk or a drive. Now I have making to add to that, whether that’s taking out my machine or tablet for a spin. The excitement of undertaking these practices has quite naturally now come to include, “Oh, I get to dig into that new album I’ve bookmarked, too!”
Tell us about your playlist:
I listen to music by-the-album almost always, so this playlist pulls my favorites from the albums I’ve had on rotation lately, plus some recently discovered. Songs to float to. Give it a try if you also like cozy rainy day downtempo, Japanese post-rock, sexy bass lines, wispy vocals, 80s-inspired synth, groovy electronic, and a touch of microtones (a very recent discovery for me). I suggest turning on auto crossfade @ 1sec. And if you want to keep going, just put on the full albums the songs are from—highly recommend!
Two of the songs in this playlist were written by local Guam artists who I love very much: Microchild and Bedrooms.
- nm – Spangle Call Lilli Line
- When Will You Come Home? – MIAOU
- Kaiyon – Water Fai
- ロープウェー – cero
- Somewhere – Aseul
- Outside – TOPS
- Waking – Microchild
- Seconds Erase – TOPS
- A Wave of Consequence – Bedrooms
- Gentle Movement (Lost Tapes) – Röyksopp
- Gleam – Sevish